Three More Not-Guilty Verdicts in SBS Cases!

There has been much development in shaken baby syndrome (SBS) / abusive head trauma (AHT) cases in Japan this year so far.

On January 28, the Osaka High Court affirmed a not- guilty verdict in a case of a father alledged to have abused his girlfriend’s daughter, causing head trauma.

On February 6, the Osaka High Court reversed and found not-guilty in a case of a mother, who was sentenced to 3 years in prison (sentence suspended for five years) in Osaka District Court in 2018. The Osaka High Court stated that the defence witnesses’s (neurosurgeons)
 testimonies were more reliable than the pediatrician’s who testified for the prosecution.

Then on February 7, the Tachikawa Branch of the Tokyo District Court handed down a not-guilty verdict in a case of a father indicted of shaking his daughter to death. You can read about the decision here (in English).

These decisions have all pointed out that just because there is the “triad” or other symptoms, you cannot simply conclude that the baby was actually abused: there needs to be a thorough review of cases.

There many more cases still pending. We hope that there wil be a more scientific and rational decision on SBS/AHT in Japan in the future.

One reply

  1. […] 相次ぐSBS無罪判決が海外でも注目を集めており、笹倉共同代表がいち早く英文でアップした判決要旨(Osaka High Court clears grandmother in a SBS case, Three More Not-Guilty Verdicts in SBS Cases!)は日本以外からのアクセス数を着実に伸ばしています。海外の専門家からは温かいメッセージが届くとともに、SBS検証プロジェクト(SRP)の活動についてインタビューの申し込みが複数ありました。そのうち、2月27日に行われたニューイングランド・イノセンス・プロジェクトとのSkypeミーティングの様子をお届けします。 […]


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